
Moon Water: healing, cleansing, removing negative energy, banishing, intuition, psychic abilities (harnesses the powers of each moon phase, can be collected under any moon phase but typically collected under the full moon)

Sun Water: energy, personal power, protection, confidence, blessings, growth

River Water: healing, self confidence, letting go, moving forward, protection

Seawater: emotional balance, wellbeing, fascinations, meditation, rituals

Creek/Stream Water: purification, harmony, cleansing

Swamp Water: banishing, binding

Well Water: healing, wishes, intuition

Ice: transformations, balance, creativity

Rain: energy, protection, cleansing (the first rain of May is considered sacred)

Snow: purity, transformations, balance

Lake Water: water: peace, contentment, relaxation, self-reflection

Dew: general health, eyesight, beauty (powerful if gathered at dawn on Beltane)

Spring Water: holy water, growth, cleansing, protection, prosperity