New Moon: setting intentions, taking actions, moving forward, focusing in the increase, starting new ventures, exploring opportunities
Waxing Crescent: redefining goals and taking first actions, consistency, gaining momentum, determination, pushing forward
First Quarter: finding the balance between the new goals and habits, expansion, being practical, concentration on goals
Waxing Gibbous: cultivating actions toward goals, improving and readjusting, intensive growth, pushing boundaries
Full Moon: energy of completion, gratefulness, cleansing, charging, appreciating progress, psychic work, letting go
Waning Gibbous: giving thanks, decluttering, eliminating negative habits, slowing down, reevaluing goals
Last Quarter: letting go, practicing forgiveness, finding time to relax, cord-cutting, get rid of unhealthy habits and addictions
Waning Crescent: making room for new, rest and surrender, energizing by doing things we love, discharging the health issues
January: Wolf Moon
renewal, start of a new cycle, heightened intuition, spiritual growth, manifestation, goals, intentions
February: Snow/Hunger Moon
courage, strength, guidance, re-evaluating decisions, renewal
March: Worm Moon
renewal, growth, intention, hope and optimism for the future, personal transformation and development
April: Pink Moon
renewal, heightened creativity and intuition, inner power, new ideas, persona growth, love
May: Flower Moon
fertility, growth, good luck, abundance, joy, inspiration, creativity, manifestation
June: Strawberry Moon
love, nature, abundant energy, intentions
July: Buck Moon
growth, transformation, strength, courage, determination, end of negative cycles, intentions, affirmations
August: Sturgeon Moon
abundance, good fortune, relationships
September: Corn/Harvest Moon
abundance, fertility, gratitude
October: Hunter's/Blood Moon
veil between the physical and spiritual world is thin, courage, strength, success, positive change, transformation, honoring ancestors, heightened spiritual connection
November: Beaver Moon
preparation, gathering resources, increased psychic abilities, intentions, manifestation
December: Cold Moon
introspection, reflection, protection, inner peace and harmony, maniefestation, guidance, clarity
Blue Moon:
extra lunar energy
Aries: high vitality, bold speech, acting on feelings, restlessness, facing fears, momentum, keeping things simple, attacking problems head-on, quick short activities, impulsitivity
Taurus: stable emotions, calmness, security, furthering the status quo, sensuality, increased patience, hard work, background efforts, long-term efforts
Gemini: fickle, changing, communication, good humor, sociable energies, restless energy, flighty mood, curiosity, discovery, sharing of knowledge, impersonal energy, emotional energy, aloofness, abstractness
Cancer: feeling protective, vulnerability, tenderness, mothering energy, domestic matters, home, heightened emotions
Leo: inner child, whole-hearted love, generosity, warmness, pride, seeking attention, romance, creativity
Virgo: practical activities, setting things right, solving problems, making order, health matters, noticing details, mental pursuits, work activities, services, routines
Libra: creating order, aesthetics, pleasing others, diplomacy, putting aside our own emotions, avoiding direct confrontations, seeing both sides, relationship and partnership issues, teamwork, cooperation, self-examination, beauty
Scorpio: intensity, passion, elation, sorrow, desire, deeply personal emotions, reading between the lines, uncovering our own power, getting rid of old fears and habits, taxes, accounting, intimacy, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid fo old things
Sagittarius: optimism, being upbeat, need to seek truth, pursuing new visions, the big picture, new experiences, adventures, spontaneity, overdoing, travel, higher education, publishing projects, advertising, sports, physical activity
Capricorn: need for structure, planning ahead, limitations of time, success, achievement, manifestation, resourcefulness, productivity, long-term projects, practical undertakings, career issues, business decisions, practical investments
Aquarius: attraction to the unusual, need for improvement, intellectual reactions, impersonal interactions, social gatherings, group ideals, brainstorming, new ideas, progressive changes, personal freedom, radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group
Pisces: dreaminess, impressionableness, wistfulness, sensitivity, intuition, compassion, imagination, overlooking details, imaginatie undertakings, spiritual pursuits, inner development, music, drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water
Maxi's Grimoire - 2023