
Wheel of the Year

Imbolc: February 1st

Ostara: March 19-22nd

Beltane: May 1st

Litha: June 19-23rd

Lughnasa: August 1st

Mabon: September 21-24th

Samhain: November 1st

Yule: December 20-23rd

Days of the Week

Sunday: Sun, vitality, success, energy, healing

Monday: Moon, intuition, emotions, psychic abilities, divination, dream work, emotional healing

Tuesday: Mars, courage, strength, courage, protection, strength, victory

Wednesday: Mercury, communication, intellect, divination, wisdom, knowledge

Thursday: Jupiter, abundance, expansion, prosperity, growth, success

Friday: Venus, love, beauty, attraction, relationships

Saturday: Saturn, discipline, structure, organization, discipline, boundaries, endings