Crystals, Rocks, Stones, and Minerals

Adventurine: prosperity, well-being, luck

Agate: health, prevents nightmares

Amazonite: confidence, self-love, creative expression, peace

Amber: protection, calming, cleansing

Amethyst: healing, reduces anxiety, protection, happiness, prevents nightmares, calming

Angelite: divine love, gentleness, healing

Aquamarine: insight, cleansing

Black Tourmaline: banishing, protection, security, prevents nightmares

Black Salt: protection

Blue Adventurine: hope, clear speech, empathy

Blue Calcite: serenity, restoration, releasing stress

Carnelian: happiness, passion, sexual energy, creativity, mental efficiency, ability to learn, courage, protection

Calcite: love, calming, cleansing

Clear Quartz: healing, awareness, amplifying energy, clarity, success

Citrine: prosperity, success, brightness, positive energy, cleaning, happiness, protection

Emerald: prevents nightmares

Fluorite: renewal, harmony, energizing, concentration, absorption of new information, prevents nightmares, calming, cleansing

Garnet: self-esteem, victory, eternal love

Green Adventurine: prosperity

Hematite: courage, inner strength, grounding, calming

Howlite: calming, compromise, sleep

Jade: health

Labradorite: insight, awakening joy, interdimensional travel, innovation

Lapis Lazuli: insight, psychic vision, celestial energy, nobility, wisdom

Lepidolite: prevents nightmares

Malachite: wealth, beauty, individuality, travel, money, prevents nightmares

Moonstone: insight, intuition, sensuality, safe travel, new beginnings, acceptance of change, love

Moss Agate: contentment, connection with nature, abundance, money, relations

Obsidian: protection, banishing

Onyx: blocking negativity, patience, determination

Peridot: relations

Pink Salt: love

Pyrite: success, shielding, money, courage

Red Jasper: strength, honesty, stability

Rhodonite: forgiveness, relationships, overcoming

Rose Quartz: love, self-love, emotional healing, compassion, happiness

Ruby: productivity

Sapphire: relations

Sea Salt: healing

Selenite: purification, peace, enlightenment, success

Serpentine: hidden mysteries, observation, instinct

Smoky Quartz: protection, banishing, prevents nightmares

Sodalite: communication, self-expression, truth, calming

Sunstone: happiness, leadership, generosity, blessings

Tiger's Eye: success, willpower, warrior's spirit, self-motivation, travel, communication, courage, calming

Turquoise: communication, cleansing

Unakite: attraction, resolving conflict, healing (especially the past)

Crystal Shapes

Cluster: charges crystals, radiates energy, meditation, unity

Cube: grounding, meditation, connects to the energy of the earth

Double Terminated (point on both ends): absorbs and emits energy, transmits information

Egg: fertility, stability, healing, balance, great to hold while meditating, new beginnings

Geode: amplifies, conserves, and releases energy; internal healing

Heart: sends love

Obelisk: dissipates negativity

Palm Stone: grounding, healing

Point: amplifies energy

Pyramid: focused energy, removes blockages, manifestation, prosperity, amplifies energy

Raw: strong, sporadic, pure energy

Rough: strong and pure energy

Skull: manifest intentions

Sphere: harmony and energy all around, scrying

Tumbled: gentle, constant energy

Wand: directing energy, drawing negative energy away from yourself, activating crystal grids

What Damages Crystals


Heat: emerald, moonstone, sodalite, unakite

Salt: angelite, azurite, calcite, carnelian, hematite, kunzite, lapis, labradorite, lepidolite, malachite, moldavite, moonstone, pyrite, selenite, tiger's eye, topaz

Sun: amethyst, aquamarine, aventurine, calcite, celestine, citrine, fluorite, jade, kunzite, lapis lazuli, malachite, quartz, sapphire, sodalite, topaz, tourmaline

Water: angelite, azurite, calcite, celestine, halite (rock salt), himalayan salt, hematite, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, pyrite, selenite, unakite

Maxi's Grimoire - 2023