Ants: patience, stamina, planning, perserverance, organization, self-discipline, teamwork, energy
Bats: rebirth, accessing past lives, new ideas, transition, initation, changes for the better, moon magic, understanding grief, the ability to observe the unseen
Bears: introspection, healing and inner knowledge, wisdom, defense, revenge, change, death and rebirth, communication with spirit, solitude, power, mother cunning, healer, gentle strength, transformation, astral travel, strength, unconscious mind, grounding, inner energy of the soul, earth magic, and facing fears
Beavers: building, gathering, persistence, shaping, and structure
Bees: female warrior energy, reincarnation, communication with the dead, service, gathering, community, helping earth-bound spirits move on to their proper place, concentration, and prosperity
Birds: death and transitions, unity, freedom, and individuality
Butterflies/Caterpillars: transformation, reincarnation, balance, grace
Cats: wholeness, guardians, independence, seeing the unseen, cleverness, a balancing of energies, moon magic, mystic powers, grace, understanding mystery, cleansing, purification
Chickens: power of voice, language, seeking answers, sunrise magic, protection of family and community, hearing your inner voice
Chipmunks: gathering, mobility, frugal living, the ability to see both light and shadow
Cows: economy, connection to the earth, wealth, prosperity, patience
Deer: gentleness, body awareness, kindness, gracefulness, sensitivity, peace, unconditional love, alertness, recognition of outside influences, innocence, earth magic
Dogs: family, wisdom, loyalty, protection, companionship, faithfulness, warnings, earth magic, moon magic
Donkeys: stubbornness, ability to make decisions, intuition
Ducks: water energy, logic
Elk: stamina, strength, pride, power, majesty, agility, freedom, nobility
Ferrets: information, seeing truth behind the facade
Fish: abundance, fertility, children, harmony, regeneration, love, mind/emotion balance
Foxes: elusiveness, cleverness, feminine courage, subtlety, discretion, agility, cunning, slyness, fire magic, intelligence
Frogs: healing, transformation, cleansing, understanding emotions, connection with water element
Goats: independence, confidence, tenacity, diligence, flexibility, healing and sun magic, abundance, agility
Horses: power, stability and courage, astral travel, protection, freedom, power, travel, earth magic, moon magic
Mice: scrutiny, innocence, faith, trust, shyness, quietness, details, earth magic
Owls: deception, wisdom, truth, patience, insight, darkness, air magic
Pigs: truth, earth magick, past life knowledge, intelligence, cunning
Rabbits: fear, faith, alertness, nurturing, conquering fear, safety, innocence, fertility, movement, sensitivity, luck, moon magic
Rats: abundant reproduction, shrewdness, adaptability, success, social, restlessness, earth magic, stealth, defense
Sheep: balance, confidence, fertility, courage, new beginnings, abundance, assurance
Snails: perserverance, determination
Snakes: transmutation, primitive or elemental energy, power, sexual potency. sensuality, shrewdness, transformation
Spiders: shape-shifting, wisdom, creativity, divine inspiration, fate, illusion, feminine energy, industry
Squirrels: discovery, change, trust, resourcefulness, balance in giving and receiving, awareness, sociability, playfulness, preparation, activity, energy, earth magic
Wolves: wisdom, protection, shadow work, guidance, instinct, intelligence, success, perseverance, stability, loyalty, independence, spirit, freedom, guardianship, earth magic, moon magic
Maxi's Grimoire - 2023